“Should we do a First Look?” This is a question I get asked the most. But what the heck is a first look, you may ask? A simple way to explain a First Look is- do you want to see each other before the ceremony? Traditionally brides and grooms would wait to see each other until the ceremony but this ain’t yo grandma’s wedding! These days, First Looks are becoming more and more popular for a whole bunch of reasons. Lemme tell you way I am allll for them-

1. You get rid of all (most of) those jitters and won’t be as nervous seeing your person at the ceremony! (+ you’ll actually retain memories from the ceremony! So many brides who don’t do a first look say they feel like they blacked out and don’t remember a thing!)
2. You’ll get a ton more photos of you and your fiancé!
3. You get to share that special moment between you and your fiancé TWICE. But at the first look, it’ll be waaay more intimate than during the ceremony. Just the two of you guys… and me! Don’t worry, I keep my distance before I get all up in your face.
4. You can get more of the necessary photos out of the way since you’ve already seen each other (ie full bridal party + immediate family photos). Which means, less photos after the ceremony and a chance to go hang out at your cocktail hour (depending on your timeline).
5. You may be worried that it will take away from “that moment” at the ceremony. All of my brides say that a First Look actually did opposite and I couldn’t agree more! It gives you the opportunity to connect and be completely together during the ceremony!

My husband and I did a first look and believe me, it didn’t take away anything from our ceremony. Homegirl was BAAAWLLLING ie. ugly crying down the entire aisle (see below). I cannot even imagine how much of a hot mess I’d be if that was the first time I was seeing my hubby.
Me being a hot mess walking down the aisle with my dad and mama:

This groom’s sweet reaction is one of the reasons I LOVE first looks!

That being said, this is YOUR wedding day and I will customize your timeline for whatever you guys want to do. Don’t let anyone pressure you into doing one if you absolutely don’t want to. Let me know if you have any more questions about First Looks or anything else! I am an open book.
xo, Tyler
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